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秋季运动会项目初中英语,秋季运动会 英语

发布时间:2025-02-22 05:48:07 运动会 0次 作者:中学资讯网



sports meeting:学校的运动会Olympic Games 田径:Track and field 赛艇:Races boats 羽毛球:Badminton 垒球:Softball 篮球:Basketball 足球:Soccer 拳击:Boxing 皮划艇:Leather canoe 自行车:Bicycle 击剑:Fencing 体操:Gymnastics 举重:Weight lifting 手球:Handball 曲棍球:Hockey 柔道:Judo 摔跤:Wrestling 水上项目:Aquatic project 棒球:Baseball 现代五项:Modern five items 马术:Horse-riding 跆拳道:Tae Kwon Do 网球:Tennis 乒乓球:Ping pong 射击:Fire 射箭:Archery 排球:Volleyball 铁人三项:Iron man three items 帆船帆板:Sailing ship windsurfboard

秋季运动会项目初中英语,秋季运动会 英语


WESG是世界电子竞技运动会的英文简称。世界电子竞技运动会(英文全称:World Electronic Sports Games,简称WESG)是阿里体育在2016年打造的一项世界级 赛会制电竞赛事,赛事覆盖全球125个国家和地区,2016年为第一届。

2017年7月2日开启第二届赛事,口号为“世界竞在眼前” ,包括《反恐精英:全球攻势》、《DOTA2》、《星际争霸2》以及《炉石传说》4个竞技游戏项目,其中《炉石传说》和《反恐精英:全球攻势》分为通用组和女子组,全球总奖金550万美金。

世界电子竞技运动会 (英文全称:World Electronic Sports Games,简称WESG) 是阿里体育在2016年打造的一项世界级赛会制电竞赛事,赛事覆盖全球125个国家和地区


My school has a sports meeting every September .

We would like to take part in it .There are many races. for example, running, jumping ,playing football, playing tennis .

Everybody takes part in it activitily.


We had a sports meeting last Friday. All of the students took an active part in it. Our class did very well in the sports meeting. The boys won the boys' 400 metres, and the girls won the girls' 200 metres.

  I joined in the sports meeting, too. In the long jump, I won the second prize. But unluckily, I was the last one in the high jump.

  Though the sports meeting has been over, I'll always remember the spirit of Faster, Higher and Stronger .
